Disclaimer and Copyright

All contents of the website are exclusive and reserved by Studio Elsa, and are protected by the current national and international standards for the protection of intellectual property rights, copyright and / or Industrial.
This website contains documents drawn exclusively from Studio Elsa, domain owner of www.elsalex.it

The texts of laws, regulations and generally the official acts of the State and public administration, Italian or foreign, are in the public domain. However, in this case, copyright refers to the particular original processing, classification and graphical presentation of the texts, if the texts themselves are not presented in their original form.

With the “web portal accessible at the URL www.elsalex.it” Studio Elsa intended to refer to any content or technical-computer-based website, including, by way of example: the software that allow the operating and the associated codes, databases electronic texts, photographs, animations, audio and video files regardless of the format, reproductions of trademarks, logos, technical solutions, the graphic design, structure and any other part realized or to be realized.

With the expression “Materials” Studio Elsa intended to refer to any content on the site, texts, images, graphic design, files, software of all kinds, audio, video, virtual animations, multimedia and/or hyperlinks, regardless of format, from the supports that have extension (by way of example: mp3, wav, jpg, mpeg, gif, doc, etc.), the size, the version in use, techniques used for their distribution and / or transmission.

Materials published on the Portal can be freely used by our customers to the following conditions:

Should be kept in their original format and, if reproduced, shall report the proprietary information whether relative to the copyright or to the authors;
the use, for any reason and for whatever purpose should not be for profit;
It must be credited as the source, the author and / or owner of the rights in the Materials and the web address from which they were derived; use in any way and under any of Materials concerning legal texts (ie: informative, contractual conditions, etc) published online is prohibited.
Any violation will be prosecuted according to law.

All entries visible and possibly downloaded from this site are protected by legislation on copyright. Remember, therefore, that the violation of the copyright on these works apply any criminal sanctions provided by current legislation, such as Articles 171, 171a, 171b, 174a and 174 ter of Law. 633/1941.

The documents on the site of Studio Elsa, have been carefully drafted, however Studio Elsa does not guarantee the suitability of concrete news, information, guides and tables to meet customers’ specific needs: for specific advice is necessary to hire Studio Elsa directly for analysis on specific issues.

We accept no responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies in the texts of legislative measures published as official texts. At the site, as well as in the documents drawn up, contain links to external websites institutional or otherwise considered of special interest for customers: Studio Elsa, ensuring maximum attention when identifying sites to link to, It assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the content of these sites and their usability as well as on their safety and absence of virus or user automatic tracking system.

October 2015